
Monday, September 30, 2019

Ezra Pound’s “In a Station of the Metro” Essay

Ezra Pound first published this poem in 1913, at a time when writers of poetry were trying to break from the traditional pentameters associated with their craft. This piece is an excellent example of Imagism, in which poets, instead of describing an image in detail , tried to use a minimal amount of words, and evoke an image by use of a well-written phrase. Pound uses haiku style of poetry in this piece which contains only 14 words- a stark contrast to the 20-30 lines from previous era of Victorianism. Pound once explained that he did not wish the heart of the poem to be in the first or second line- but to be the thought process that connects them. While this is a concept used in Imagism, it is more like the latter form he embraced- Vorticism. This categorization comes from the endeavor of the author to treat the poem as a piece of graphic art. Upon examination of the poem itself, it is interesting to note that no verbs are used in the poem, yet it conveys a sense of movement. His choice of the word â€Å"apparition† automatically makes the reader conjure images of mysticism and spirits, thus he begins his contrasts between the real and the unreal; the beautiful and the ugly; the mundane and the exotic. His contrast of nature versus man-made and the quick transition he makes is very typical of the Japanese haiku style. Interestingly he uses â€Å"petals† instead of flowers, giving it a softer, more feminine quality; thus the dark masculinity of the black bough is doubled. The comparison of these two is simultaneous with what the poet has seen on the railway platform- opposites that not only are extremes but that compliment each other. There is continued debate among scholars as to the true meaning of this poem and what Pound intended to convey when he wrote it. Nevertheless, they all have to agree that he did what he set out to do- transcend traditional form and make an eye-opening statement to his readers. References â€Å"Pound’s ‘In A Station of the Metro’: A Textual Note. † English Language Notes 8. 4 (June 1971). retrieved on June 16, 2009, from http://www. english. illinois. edu/ Maps/poets/m_r/pound/metro. htm Hishikawa, Eiichi â€Å"Ezra Pound† published by Kobe Univesity April 2004 retrieved on June 16, 2009 from http://www. lit. kobe-u. ac. jp/~hishika/pound. htm

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Religious Freedom and the Great American Melting Pot

This paper will also explore the supposition that the United States' open arms America's Melting Pot) allows all that seek a better life, entrance, has placed us at risk of terror attacks from those who merely purport to be in the U. S. To gain citizenship, to vacation, or to take advantage of the Great American Dream. When in actuality their plans may be nefarious in nature. There is no question that the United States' open door policy has made this a very diverse nation that holds its freedom in high regard.In many ways it can be said that our cultural, religious and ethnic diversity is what makes us so attractive to the rest of the world. It is also what makes us vulnerable. We know that America has its enemies, and since 9/1 1 the U. S. Has increased its security measures. However, it will be next to impossible to thwart every threat without violating our civil liberties. It is no doubt that societies throughout the world have become more and more interconnected. Applying the soc iological perspective will help us to discover some truths about our common nature, as well as the opportunities and imitations in our lives.It helps us to take a more active role in our society by exposing who we are as a people, which helps us to navigate in this diverse world. The structural-functional approach was not the approach that fit this particular situation. Surely there are many who devote great time and effort to promote solidarity and stability. These same individuals yearning for a society whose complexities work together. I believe that the social-conflict approach is one that has been utilized in many studies examining the social, ethnic and cultural dynamics in this country.It covers many different aspects of inequality, whether it is gender, religious, race, social class, sexual orientation, etc.. As much as we would like to believe that things are changing, we see in everyday fife that things do not really change that much. That there are some people in powerful positions always looking to separate themselves from others that are different under the pretext that they are protecting themselves and what they have from being taken away by those not like themselves. The differences in religious beliefs in America are not new.This Country was founded, first on the principals of religious tolerance and later thanks to James Madison and the framers of our Constitution, religious freedom. If the extent of our conflict was based solely on our differences in religion, a conflict that seems insurmountable at best we would have a better chance at unifying this nation. The first settlers of this new world absent the Native Americans sought freedom from the tyranny of British rule and religious persecution. The subject of religion was still a major issue to many. However there were a great many issues that plagued our new society.These were issues that always seemed to be simmering below the surface. Due to the advent of sociological research, we can se e the wide range of issues and the deep seeded animosity for those who failed to share in the ideals represented by those in positions of power. The idea was to study the cultural differences displayed in a society and to identify the conflicts that exist between the subcultures. This is what we found. There are many varying religions, some with similar interests and beliefs. There was a religious movement coming of age which was birthed in the late asses.By and large Americans value their diversity. Even among certain religious groups which may be what you might call sub-cultures. For instance you have Anglo-Catholic, Latino-Catholic, Mainline Protestant, Black Protestant, Evangelical Protestant, Mormon, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and many other faiths. Many of these religions are simply alternative interpretations of an existing faith. Some use the differences in their religious beliefs to spark discord in our society. The Christian religion was once, and depending on who you speak to today, a very singular religion.Serving one God who imparted his ultimate law to his people through his prophet Moses. However, Christianity was deemed by Jesus' disciples to be an extension of the Jewish faith. An extension very much rejected by the Jewish community at large. This rejection stemmed from the Pharisees' adamant disbelief that Jesus was the miming Messiah foretold in the Torah. There are many who identify as Christian and are scattered across the country. These Christians are vehemently opposed to the idea that any other race or ethnic group can lay claim to greatness or superiority.In fact they see the Jew as a non- Aryan individual, as an enemy to their cause. They see themselves as members of the lost tribes of Israel. They also see themselves as God's chosen people. They have taken up the charge to rid the world of this evil. The Christian Identity Movement is of the mind that they are at war and it is a war against good and evil. This group is a paramilitary gro up that views the US Government as an evil entity that has been captured and now controlled by the Jews and therefore an enemy.The Christian Identity Movement is a White Supremacist religion that grounds its beliefs in a racist reading of the Holy Bible. Many of them believe that God cannot return until the earth is free of Gods enemies. There is another group which is an offshoot of the Christian Identity Movement called the Pennies Priesthood. A member of the Christian Identity Movement can claim membership in the Pennies Priesthood by omitting a violent act even murder on any non-Aryan enemy. It was typical to choose an interracial couple, all in the name of racial and religious purity.We've established that America is a nation that advocates diversity. America has often advertised its open arms approach to all in the song Your Tired, Your Poor (the Statue of Liberty song); â€Å"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless to me† (http:// kids. Niches. NIH. Gob/games/songs/patriotic/liberty. HTML). This nation was built on he diversity of its people. That is not to say that there were no instances where the cultures clashed.With the influx of many different ethnic groups with their varying beliefs and customs there was bound to be some friction. In any social structure where there is rapid social change we must expect there to be a period of adjustment. It would appear that we are still adjusting even now. On the surface there is the illusion of diminished conflict, as evidenced by the information gleaned thus far. Some suggest that we are like a volcano waiting to erupt. Because it is not literally correct or socially acceptable to be openly vocal about our negative racial proclivities it is usually hidden behind a veil of smiles or sometimes blank looks.We tend to show our true selves to those who are like minded. One would think that in this day an d age we would have found a way to bridge the gap of racial conflict and move on to the next thing. Perhaps we could tackle gender conflict and religious conflict, let's Just put them all on the table and start talking. The subject matter is far too explosive. I believe that this is why most people operate by utilizing social- exchange analysis when engaging others. They are able to tolerate the individual or individuals if they stand to gain or lose something by the interaction.It is suggested that religion is not nearly as divisive as race, class or politics. This may be true; however, I do not believe it has ever really been addressed as openly as the others. There is definitive proof that the above organizations are gearing up for what they call a holy war. This concept of an American holy war which has been brewing since the American Civil War and the birth of the UK Klux Klan, took on a new dynamic on September 1 1, 2001. Religious extremism is alive and well in the U. S. War in the name of religion is nothing new.It has been a reality since the beginning of time if you believe the creation story. Satan drew first blood by deceiving first Eve then Adam. The conflict surrounding religion has evolved, transformed and fragmented into a battle that's no longer Just about good versus evil but, who the true GOD of this world really is and his message to his people. Again there are several recognized religions, with several gods to accompany them. This battle has definitely spilled over into our communities. It has breached our borders.It was before unheard of to have a foreign national to declare war, and carry out a threat as large as 9/1 1 on American soil. These terrorists were in the United States enrolled as students, learning to fly planes. America has become a target because we have not submitted to Islam, and also because of its support and defense of Israel in its fight against the Palestinians and other Arab Nations. There had been 22 other attacks o n the U. S. Prior to 9/11. There were 22 warnings prior to the most devastating act of war on U. S. Oil ever; – 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis, the Seizure of the US Tehran Embassy, Iran 1983 Bombing of the US Beirut Embassy, Lebanon – 1983 Bombing of US Kuwait Embassy – 1984 Bombing of US Beirut Embassy (again) – 1984 Kuwait Airlines Flight 221 hijacked to Tehran – 1985 Hijacking TWA Flight 847 – 1985 Hijacking cruise ship Achilles Laura – 1986 Bombing Berlin Disco frequented by US servicemen – 1988 Bombing Pan Am Flight 103 over Locker, Scotland – 1983 First Bombing World Trade Center – 1993 Foiled NY Landmarks plot by Omar Abdul Raman – 1993 Attempted Assassination of President Bush Sir. 1993 Black Hawk Down – 1994 Plot to Assassinate President Clinton – 1995 Failed Project Booking by Ram Houses 1995 Bombing of US Military Headquarters, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – 1996 Bombing Isobar Towers, Sa udi Arabia – 1998 Bombing US Nairobi Embassy, Kenya, Africa – 1998 Bombing US Dare SE Salaam Embassy, Tanzania, Africa – 1999 Foiled LAX Millennium Plot by Aimed Erases – 2000 Failed US The Sullivan Bombing Port of Aden, Yemen – 2000 Bombing US Cole Port of Aden, Yemen – 2001 9/1 1 Attacks World Trade Center, Flight 93, Pentagon As you can probably imagine there have also been successful terrorist attacks as well as foiled attempts after the attacks of 9/11. As long as we stand on the side of Israel, advocating on its behalf we will be viewed as an enemy of Islam. The question is, are we the better for it? It is my belief that we are. I can only hope that I am not the only one. Since 9/11 we have had to accept some very harsh realities pertaining to our new existence.Our National Security that we had grown to expect and took for granted was not so absolute. 9/1 1 showed the world that there were kinks in our armor. Undoubtedly, our security procedures have changed significantly since. Immediately following the 9/1 1 attack America's borders were completely closed for the first time in recorded history. No planes were allowed in or out of the country. No Ships were allowed to dock. No one allowed to cross the border in or out. With this there was the institution of a new branch of law enforcement called Homeland Security. The US became more aggressive in its efforts to bring those responsible to justice by any means necessary with the institution of the Patriot Act.In an effort to secure our land, we, (American citizens) also became subjects of ongoing investigations, no one could be trusted. The American people were scrutinized, our affiliations with those of Middle Eastern descent questioned. It has also been discovered that our civil liberties have been violated by the US Government by way of unlawful audio surveillance of our home and cell phones and the like. Even with all of the very necessary and questionable cha nges, they may not be enough. What makes us so vulnerable is the likelihood that anyone of our citizens could be the next jihads. We have no way of knowing for sure who might have a reason to declare war on our nation.We have no way of knowing for certain who is living here under false pretenses Just waiting for the authorization to move on a specific target. It is so ere hard to determine because there are those who have been here for years and those still entering the country. It is impossible to know for sure what is in a person's mind. That we cannot detect from a machine in airport security. Not to mention that with the advent of the internet they need not cross our borders at all to communicate with these alleged sleeper cells or sympathizers (The Global War on Terrorism: A Religious War? Http://www. strategicstudiesinstitute. Army. Mil/peddles/PUB. PDF). This is what we do know, we are at war. There is no doubt with whom we are at war or why.I suppose in actuality we are no m ore vulnerable than we have always been. It is Just now the perception that the threat has actually reached us state side was an eye opener. Greater attention to our interior security has been made. It is said that with all of the strides that the U. S. And its global partners have made in capturing Bin Laden and taking down his generals it is still not enough. The analysts speculate that the terror networks are ever expanding. Moreover, as we exert our will around the globe we may be in fact be making new enemies and growing sympathizers to Islamic ideology. It is next to impossible to safeguard against every eventuality especially when you cannot detect every perceived threat.Research has shown that this Jihad or Holy War with Al-Qaeda' has been in effect for more than four decades. So it stands to reason that there may be sleeper cells within our borders placed strategically in our midst waiting to be called upon to carry out some horrific plan of attack. This person may be one o f the most unassuming individuals you will ever meet. You might even call him or her a friend, which is why our defense strategy must be ever changing. Conclusion One thing is for certain, this is a war that we will probably be waging until the end of time. It is assured that our security will get better as our technology gets better. It has been avowed that the United States will do everything in its power to put an end to terrorism.The President declared that our resolve will never wane. Our civil liberties have already been diminished in efforts to detect dissenters. We often hear of new attempts of law makers to challenge constitutional laws which would make it much easier to detect terrorist or illegal activity in general. Most Americans will not bobby against these things if they are perceived to keep them safe. Where the problem lies is anything that weakens our constitutional rights pushes us more and more too police state of being. Will we become prisoners in our own land? Some say that we already are. You can bet that as our security becomes increasing sophisticated so will the enemies' efforts to thwart them.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Licensing in Biotechnology Industry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Licensing in Biotechnology Industry - Assignment Example An exclusive license ensures as well as grants a licensee the assurance that the IP will not be passed to another individual or third party. The time period of an exclusive license is identified to be limited on the basis of protection period ensured in IP or can be extended with the addition of new IP in the license (Fisher and Erbisch 37-56). Periodic reports are important documents, providing information in relation to royalty payment. The reports are also identified as important considerations based on which, commercialisation of the technology developed is ascertained (Fisher and Erbisch 37-56). In license agreement of IP, there is a provision stating assurance to a licensor that a licensee is liable to conduct the agreed license in relation to IP based on accepted legal terms along with conditions mentioned in the agreement. Accordingly, the licensee is liable to reveal the licensor the progress of license within a stipulated time. Failure to do so might lead to the termination of the license (Fisher and Erbisch 37-56). Shelving of license implies to a provision based on which, a licensee might terminate the relationship or agreements made with licensor. The licensor can acquire the technology if the commercialisation of the licensed technology is jeopardised or if the diligence terms failed to be met (Fisher and Erbisch 37-56). According to the license agreement, the licensee offers the licensor with the liability or warranty provision on the commencement of the licensed technology. The provision protects the rights along with the responsibilities of licensor in relation to infringement of claim (Fisher and Erbisch 37-56). Agreement governance is a legal provision facilitating licensor to minimise legal costs that might be brought forward by licensee by taking into consideration the legal actions of specific geographical area of the licensed technology (Fisher and Erbisch 37-56). Use of names is a provision through which a

Friday, September 27, 2019

The role of the UN during the could war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The role of the UN during the could war - Essay Example mandate it was bestowed, Krasno (4) argues that the United States Charter allocated more power to five major states, which were further given veto powers and permanent representation in what was known as the upper chamber where exclusive jurisdiction were taken into consideration. Additionally, there were six nonpermanent members who later increased to ten. As such, the charter principle of sovereign equality expected all members to abstain in their international relations from threat or forceful use against territorial integrity or any state political independence. Thus, the United Nations issued the Security Council with the responsibility of ensuring that peace and security was maintained internationally (Krasno 5). Importantly, the United Nations first role during the Cold war happened in Korea when the Korean peninsula was divided through the occupation of the Soviet occupied territory in the Northern part while the Southern part was taken over by the United States. According to Sachleben (36) the state of unrest was thought to be between Communist and non communist states, and as such the United Nations was compelled to provide international legitimacy to the United States reaction on Korean peninsula although president Truman was determined to counter the threat until 1953 when the peace was finally restored. Similarly, the United Nations was engaged in the role of ensuring that Soviet Union was not involved in the unrest in Congo after the killing of the Secretary- General Dag Hammarskjold through a plane crash. During this unrest, there was conflict between the western powers and the then President Kasavubu who was supported by the United Nations through their peace keeping mandate (Downs 14). It is worth noting that the unrest in Korea and Congo were perfect examples of how the anticipated roles of the United Nations were influenced by the East- West divisions. As such, critics have argued that it is highly likely that the United

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Financial Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Financial Crisis - Essay Example The valuable lessons learned from the crisis will also be discussed herein. Bear Stearns, AIG, Lehmann Brothers, Northern Rock, and Goldman Sachs are some elite names that suffered most because of the economic crisis also known as recession. Lehmann Brothers filed for bankruptcy while AIG and a few other elites just hung in there with the skin of their teeth. This economic crisis is still having repercussions on countries such as Greece and Spain; the whole of Euro Zone is facing a financial turmoil. There are a few other countries that have been not so severely affected by the same. The crisis was triggered off because of unchecked debt; banks kept issuing loans to people who invested heavily in buying assets; several things were taken for granted but when proved otherwise, there was hardly a place in the world to hide. Overvaluation in real estate is perhaps the biggest cause of the current economic crisis. It is better known as the subprime crisis in the US. The likes of Lehmann B rothers and other financial services went bust because they kept issuing credit to the people who thought the property price would increase and they would be easily able to pay off the debt that they are borrowing. It did not turn out that way and there was a short of equity. This is exactly why the financial institutions went bankrupt. The overvaluation is the biggest factor that caused the current economic crisis. Factors such as bad income tax practices have added insult to injury, bad mortgage lending also contributed heavily to this current economic crisis. â€Å"The way to address the root cause is to let house prices drop to where an average house is within the means of an average household.   (Or, alternatively, boost the income of the average household to the point that they can afford an average house.   But that's very hard.   Letting houses prices go on falling, although painful for everyone who owns a house or who has lent money to someone who owns a house, is ve ry easy)† (â€Å"Root Cause of the Financial Crisis†). Role of Monetary Policy Some of the main plausible reasons that caused the recent financial crisis have been identified in the above sections. According to Brunnermeie, cheap mortgage financing to sub-standard borrowers fuelled the boom in the U.S. housing market. Three factors were primarily responsible for the fall of the housing market in the U.S. (which, in essence, constituted a very small segment of the financial market in the country) transforming into a global contagion. First, the â€Å"originate and distribute† banking model, together with the high rate of securitization, led to declining lending standards and made it impossible to re-price the complex structured products. This significantly eroded the confidence level of banks, thereby disrupting the inter-bank markets and credit flow. Second, banks relied heavily on short-term funding sources, hence raising the risk of funding. Finally, the ever-g rowing integration of global financial systems and the increasing interest towards structured financial instruments quickly transmitted the crisis to all the major regions of the world. Gourinchas focused on the role of monetary policy in the recent financial contagion as well as the role played by exogenous influences, particularly the rising external deficits referred to as â€Å"Global Imbalances.† According to Gourinchas, both explanations are not satisfactory as the sole reason behind the crisis. This opinion has

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Effects of Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Effects of Outsourcing - Essay Example (Hira, 2005) The process of outsourcing is continuous and does not have to be an all or nothing deal. It can occur in phases depending on current trends in the industry. The following are a list of the three main types of outsourcing: Partial Outsourcing- This is when certain activities are kept in house such as customer service while other more specialized activities are sourced out. Plants and telecom offices would typically engage in this type of outsourcing. No Outsourcing- The operations performed day to day are highly unique to an individual business and vital to marketing believability. An example would be a college or university. (Outsourcingsurvival, 2007) While outsourcing operations has its benefits, there are reasons why a business should carefully examine the disadvantages it may present. One is the loss of managerial authority. It is much easier to manage employees in house than it is to manage an outsourced service provider. Outsourcing does not eliminate management responsibilities; it simply changes the nature and level of responsibility. It is also possible to lose sight of day-to-day operations while focusing on coordinating contracts with an outsourced company. Add to that the legal fees that will be incurred for putting together these contracts. The main reason to outsource is to reduce overall costs and any hidden fees may affect a business' bottom line. Another disadvantage that should be taken into consideration are security and confidentiality concerns as they pertain to payroll, salary information, etcGenerally, the amount of money each employee earns is not widespread knowledge. If employee salaries are leaked that could cause some discord within the workplace. When a company insists on outsourcing the process of payroll, they must be very discriminating in their choice of providers. It must be handled only by people who are trustworthy in handling such privileged information. (Softwareprojects, 2007) When operations are handed over to an external party the likelihood of decreased employee morale becomes a greater possibility. Employee talent that has been generated within a business will tend to get discouraged if they are ignored in favor of someone outside of the company. Someone who has worked for a company for a long time can understand certain business issues and will be better equipped to handle them more so than an outsourced party. If they are not called upon to handle business matters that may arise, their growth is stunted and they may feel as if they are not an important entity. Their quality of work may suffer because of this notion or because they rebel against the organization. Either way, this could result in the loss of quality employees which could in turn end up costing the business more financially. (Brown, 2005) The sum total of all of the disadvantages listed above basically boils down to sheer loyalty to the organization. If operations are outsourced to an external group, their devotion is only to those who sign their paycheck. There simply is no familial environment culminated through years of work with a company. This is a very important factor as trust issues are involved and outsourcers must be

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Helping the Elderly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Helping the Elderly - Essay Example Going by this theory, elders are in the stage of self actualization and in this stage, they are not attracted by desires etc. All they need is peace and they will be in a position where they know about themselves clearly. At this stage most of the needs are fulfilled. Relating the theory with the case clearly shows one of the major needs of elders - health. Most of the elders are in need of drugs and medicines to relieve them from their diseases. So medicine also becomes the basic need for elders. Most of the drug/medicine businesses are targeted at this basic need of elders. The elders are in a stage of dependency due to their physical and mental weakness. In this case, both the government and Insurance companies must come to the aid of elders as the elders depend directly on medicine for their survival. The role of Doctors, Health care Industry (Drugs), Insurance Companies and Government have a direct impact on the life of elders. These key persons must change their attitude and mindset from looking at elders as a revenue source and start helping them in their own ways. It's no secret that average costs of prescription drugs have raised dramatically in the past decade. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, average retail prices for brand name drugs in the United States more than doubled between 1990 and 2000, from $27 in 1990 to $65 in 2000. The obvious question is: Why? One of the major reasons is the advertising cost spent by health care companies. The amount of money that has been spent promoting drugs since the new FDA regulations went into effect is staggering. In 1996, the drug industry spent $791 million on mass media advertising. Four years later, that number more than tripled to $2.5 billion. ... I approached the case study considering the important people in the case. i.e. Doctors Health care Industry (Drugs) Insurance Companies Government Elders The role of Doctors, Health care Industry (Drugs), Insurance Companies and Government have a direct impact on the life of elders. These key persons must change their attitude and mindset from looking at elders as a revenue source and start helping them in their own ways. The decisions to be taken by doctors are to charge less to elders. The decisions to be taken by health care industry personnel are to provide drugs at a cheap cost to elders. The decisions to be taken by Insurance companies are to charge low premium from elders and compensate them quickly on their medical expenses. The decisions to be taken by Government are to provide tax cut and provisions on high priced medicines to elders. If possible, the Government must distribute them free of cost to elders. Why are prescription drug prices so high The drug prices are tremendously huge. It's no secret that average costs of prescription drugs have raised dramatically in the past decade. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, average retail prices for brand name drugs in the United States more than doubled between 1990 and 2000, from $27 in 1990 to $65 in 2000. The obvious question is: Why One of the major reasons is the advertising cost spent by health care companies. The amount of money that has been spent promoting drugs since the new FDA regulations went into effect is staggering. In 1996, the drug industry spent $791 million on mass media advertising. Four years later, that number more than tripled to $2.5 billion. All told, the U.S. drug industry spent $15.7 billion

Monday, September 23, 2019

Study of motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Study of motivation - Essay Example Achievement motivated people are mainly impressed by the opportunity to reach their goals. A sense of accomplishment satisfies them and they are pleased by their goals completion. Authority motivated people like being controlled and they feel safe in their subjective positions. Affiliation motivated group of people are fond of being involved in interaction with other people. This group of people performs perfectly in a team environment. Thus, McClelland approach to motivation can be justified, because he underlines the importance of group cooperation and subjection of an individual to the social factors and not only individual concerns. Cognitive approach and relation of motivation to human conscience is one of the popular interpretations of the nature of motivation. On the basis of a substantial body of experimental evidence the extrinsic motivation (contingent rewards) can be opposed to intrinsic motivation (when the individual wants to perform the task for himself. Cognitive Evaluation Theory (CET) describes underlying intrinsic motivation as the option for competence and self-determination. Rewards are external factors which influence motivation (Motivation Today). On the one hand, we can claim that an individual is motivated if he obtains something from the environment and in such a way he defines his further motivated behavior. On the other hand, an individual can rely more on his inner triggers of motivation and remain indifferent to external rewards. It depends on a human nature and his goal-orientation. Goal setting theory is based on the following principle: one can work hard to reach ones goal and it is necessary to define clear goals otherwise general and vague goals would be misleading. People should have a good stimulus. Employees motivation if based on this goal can lead to positive results. In case they can complete their works effectively

Sunday, September 22, 2019

David Hume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

David Hume - Essay Example om senses, and also not from rational thought. Instead, according to Hume, the idea of self comes from imagination. In turn, imagination stems from causation and memory. To this effect, Hume is of the persuasion that the sole question concerning the creation of self identity is how the elements [contiguity and causation] combine so as to produce the uninterrupted idea of self. In regard to the above, Hume’s intended to mean that ideas are fundamentally ancillary to impressions, including sensory perceptions. In this case, Hume intends to mean that the impressions are the acquired, the lively, forceful and uncontrollable inputs of the senses, imagination and memory. In this case, ideas are taken as the images of the impressions are deemed by Hume as not being accurate, so that he renders them fictitious. Similarly, Hume’s mental existents are all based on the givens of perception, so that he is deemed as a British empiricist. As he uses the term copy to signify the relat ionship among the relationships which exist among the impressions and the very ideas which are dependent on them, Hume reiterates that complex ideas are based equally on impressions, though one step removed. In the case above, Hume is of the persuasion that a proposition which may not admit of much dispute that all human ideas are merely copies of impressions so that it is impossible to think of anything which has never been antecedently felt by either internal or external senses. To this effect, complex ideas may be known by definition and may be nothing more than an enumeration of parts or simple ideas which composed them (Yolton, 548-50). The significance of Hume’s standpoint above concerning relationship between ideas and impressions is that if an idea is valid or proper, then an individual will be able to relocate the very impressions on which it is based. In the event that no such impressions are found, then the very idea at hand is merely an arbitrary construct of huma n imagination which may therefore be fictitious, and having nothing extant on what it is based. Again, Hume continues that identity is not reality or a real idea, but a fiction of a person’s imagination. Hume maintains that this is the case since no individual can find an impression from which that identity can be considered a reality. Just as Lamprecht observes, Hume takes the persuasion that all that is given to man is a flow of impressions which are merely individual perceptions. In this light, the concept of unity is then to be premised on a single and unique sensory impression of solitary lump of things that are unchangeable. Because of this, the concept of unity becomes based on perceived uninterruptedness and invariableness of perception. Because of this, Hume is convinced that the principle of individuation is merely uninterruptedness

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Tesla Motors, Inc. Financial Analysis Essay Example for Free

Tesla Motors, Inc. Financial Analysis Essay Tesla Motors, Inc. was founded in early 2003 by a group of Silicon Valley engineers, incorporated in Delaware on July 1 of the same year, and is now headquartered in Palo Alto, California (â€Å"Tesla- Investor†). The company designs, develops and manufactures electric vehicles and electric vehicle powertrain components. Tesla also provides the same services and powertrain components to other manufacturers of electric vehicles (Analysts Corner 2). Tesla Motors is best known for producing the Tesla Roadster, an all electric sports car released in 2008, with outstanding performance results (â€Å"About Tesla†). Tesla has developed a unique marketing plan that differs from the traditional automotive industry by marketing and selling its products over the internet and through a global network of 32 stores that are owned and operated by Tesla. The company has 2,964 employees and has electric vehicles on the road in 37 countries around the globe (â€Å"About Tesla†; Analysts Corner 2). On June 29, 2010 Tesla Motors Inc. became the first American car company to go public since the Ford Motor Company in 1956. The company offered 11.8 million shares priced at $1 above the initial offering at $17. The IPO was so successful that Tesla offered an additional 20% equity in the company by increasing the offering to $13.3 million shares to meet demand. The company raised a total of $226 million, the stock price soaring up 41% to $25 a share on opening day (Andrejczak). Today, Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA) is traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange at a price of more than $180 a share. The stock has grown over 800% since its IPO and now Tesla has a market capitalization of over $22 billion. This impressive increase in stock price may come as a surprise to many investors due to the company’s earnings, or lack thereof. Given the current economic conditions, the relatively new market and existing competition; the Tesla stock price is grossly overvalued. Tesla produces an outstanding product with an outstanding price tag. The new Tesla S was designed to compete in the luxury sports car arena along with BMW, Mercedes and Audi. Tesla has estimated that 21,000 Model S will roll out of its production facility in 2013 at a sticker price between $70,000 and $100,000 (Seetharaman; Finger). This year, Mercedes will sell 25,000 luxury sedans in that price range to U.S. consumers and BMW just slightly less than Mercedes (Finger). Tesla has estimated it will produce 40,000 Model S next year, almost twice the number of BMW’s sold in that price range. In the post recessionary economic climate of 2013, there is not a strong demand for vehicles in this price range, even with the $7500 tax credit offered to consumers. The Tesla Model S is still out of reach for most Americans. There are more reasonably priced alternatives in the EV market such as the Nissan Leaf and the Chevy Volt, but sales have been sluggish (Stammers; Alpert). General Motors recently â€Å"announced a $5,000 formal price cut for the Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid† and Chrysler has opted to stay out of the EV market until â€Å"dragged there by consumers† (Buss). Since the key to the future profitability of Tesla Motors is in the mass production of an affordable EV, demand for the product becomes paramount. As Dale Buss, an automotive industry journalist explains; It’s one thing for Tesla to sell nearly 1,500 Model S a month at about $70,000 apiece in the U.S. market these days; when Elon Musk’s startup attempts to penetrate the lower part of the EV market with its own model, success will be a lot harder to come by. (Buss) Tesla intends to meet that challenge with the 2016 release of the Gen. III., a Tesla EV with the range of a Model S, but half the price. The 200 mile range of a Tesla EV is what gives it a competitive advantage over other more affordable EVs, but at the cost of additional batteries (Alpert). The added cost of the batteries makes the target price next to impossible to reach, but necessary in order to avoid the fate of other affordable EVs, such as the Volt. So, rather than realize their goal †to accelerate the world’s transition to electric mobility with a full range of increasingly affordable electric cars†(â€Å"Tesla Improves†), Tesla Motors is â€Å"helping create a highly bifurcated segment where only expensive EVs can achieve a feasible volume† while pushing affordable EVs and its own profitable future further out of reach (Buss). Tesla Motors CEO, Elon Musk, maintains that there is still adequate demand for the Model S and that the company has received 10,000 orders in North America alone. The truth of the matter is that the true demand for EVs remains to be seen. In May of 2013, Tesla shocked analysts when it â€Å"stopped disclosing its end-of-quarter order backlog which might have shed light on the issue after previously trumpeting a 15,000-unit reservation list† (Alpert). Many of Tesla’s orders were cancelled due to the company’s price increases on options for the Model S, which added an average 8%-9% to the overall price and stirred up numerous customer complaints on the Tesla website blog (Finger; Blanco). Many consumers are interested in reducing CO2 and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, but simply cannot afford the more expensive alternatives. In an attempt to make Tesla vehicles more affordable and increase sales; Tesla Motors has partnered with U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo Bank to provide financing to qualified Model S customers that includes longer terms, lower payments and the Tesla resale guarantee. â€Å"Buying a Model S through the Tesla financing offering now comes with a guarantee that the resale value will be higher than that of BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Lexus or Jaguar† (â€Å"Tesla Improves†). The guarantee is personally backed by the CEO of Tesla Motors â€Å"to give owners complete peace of mind about the long term value of the product† (â€Å"Tesla Improves†). Elon Musk, Tesla’s chief executive described the financing program during an interview; If our car was chiefly available for purchase and not by financing, I think thats maybe accessible to roughly 1 million US households. A financed product with the right financing-fully optimized financing, I think its probably accessible to the top 10 million households. (Seetharaman) Musk went on to report that since the finance program was implemented, the company has experienced â€Å"a meaningful increase in demand† that he estimates to be about 30,000 cars a year in North America (Seetharaman). There is little doubt that the Tesla financing program has boosted sales. â€Å"In the second quarter 30 percent of sales fell into this category† (Finger). Amazingly, against generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), Tesla records the entire amount of the payment it receives from the bank as  revenue. The bank pays the full amount of the car price to Tesla, but after the 3 year lease agreement ends, Tesla pays the outstanding balance of around $46,000 when it takes the car back as part of the buy-back guarantee. According to GAAP, the $46,000 would be a debt until the bank has been paid. This method of recording debt as revenue makes Tesla look more appealing on the books. Meanwhile, Tesla builds up an expensive and costly inventory of used Model S sedans as it works hard to convince consumers that the model S should be replaced, which effectively lowers the value of their own used inventory. The buy back guarantee has the potential to become a serious liability for the new car company. In an effort to promote the use of cleaner technology and improve the air quality in the state of California, law makers there have implemented a program whereby automobile producers can earn credits for every zero-emission-vehicle (ZEV) and partial-zero-emission-vehicle (PZEV) brought to or sold in the state. Manufacturers can only sell a certain amount of vehicles that don’t fall into this category. The manufacturers then have the option to purchase more credits from other companies in order to continue selling vehicles in California. Tesla earns credit every time the company sells a Model S and these credits are sold to competitors. It has been estimated that for every Model S sold, Tesla receives between $25,000 to $35,000 worth of these credits and could contribute about $188 million in revenue for 2013 (Isidore). This year Tesla Motors Inc. reported its first profit in the first quarter and â€Å"better than projected earnings† for the second quarter (Isidore). A closer look at the source of that revenue reveals that it did not come from sales of vehicles, but actually from the selling of zero-emissions-credits. Tesla sold a total of $68 million worth of the credits, 12% of its total revenue in the first quarter (O’Brien). Despite the source of the income, Tesla Motors stock price rose 17% when the quarterly report was released (Seetharaman). Another contributing factor to the run-away stock price is that historically Tesla stock has been a favorite amongst investors for shorting. One analyst at Barron’s reported that as much as 45% of Tesla outstanding shares were shorted until the first quarter earnings were released (O’Brien). When the  stock began its climb, the short sellers were forced to buy back at higher prices than they had hoped to, which effectively drove the market price higher. Investors also responded favorably to the news that the Model S won The Car and Driver Magazine’s Car of the Year for 2013 and again when the Model S earned the highest score ever given to an automobile by Consumer’s Reports (O’Brien, Finger). The forward price earnings ratio for Tesla Motors is in the neighborhood of 170. A high price-earnings ratio suggests that investors are expecting future growth and earnings. An exceptionally high P/E is indicative of a speculative bubble and overvaluation. Market Capitalization for Tesla Motors Inc. has doubled within the last couple months and is now over $22 billion. The value of an enterprise for profit is dependent on what it can produce or profit from moving forward into the future, and in doing so increase the wealth of the ownership. Tesla Motors will produce roughly 20,000 cars this year and plans on doubling that output for 2014. That makes every car Tesla produced this year worth $1.1 million of stock. Compare that number to â€Å"luxury automaker BMW that has a market cap of$52.79 billion on global sales of 1.85 million cars or $28.53 thousand per car. Mercedes Benz produces cars at $43.4 thousand per car using the same calculation (Finger). Tesla will have to produce hundreds of thousands of vehicles to support a stock price even half of what it is currently. With the limited amount of demand at the current price, the stock can soar as high as the market will allow it, but the price will have no foundation and will eventually crumble down. The over-valuation leaves Tesla poised for a buyout or takeover by a larger manufacturer. Tesla Motors is obviously good at what it does. The technology developed by the company is being used by other more established automobile makers, such as Toyota and Daimler. The problem with specialization is that it leaves a company, especially a large one, vulnerable to changes in technology, market shifts and consumer sentiments. Tesla has all of its eggs in one basket. A significant shift in the market, a radical change in technology or even consumers warming to the hybrid concept before taking to the electric one; would be the end for the new car company. It seems that Tesla has nothing to fall back on, no contingency or alternate plan. Although Tesla has taken the electric vehicle to new heights, the technology is not break-through and the concept is not mind blowing. The whole package is a winning combination, in a small segment of the market. The company may be headquartered in California and founded by geeks, but it is still an automobile producer. The automotive industry is dominated by an oligopoly of corporations that historically have been successful at weeding out smaller companies just like Tesla Motors. The competition is fierce and the pockets are deep, economies of scale are a reality in automobile manufacturing. The patents and proprietary technology that Tesla holds right now will be meaningless in a matter of a few years, or several months. If the demand for electric cars increases significantly, Tesla will be forced to compete. Without the differentiation that Tesla has now, the company doesn’t have much of a chance. Tesla has a challenging future; in order to survive it must lower its costs and crank up production. The niche market of wealthy movie stars that want to be seen in a Tesla Roadsters isn’t going to get them there. The high price people are willing to pay for their stock isn’t going to either. Tesla Motors Inc. produces amazing all electric vehicles that are sporty, luxurious, and state of the art. The company’s CEO and spokesperson, Elon Musk is an innovative billionaire, who is enthusiastic, confident, and as cool as the Tesla Roadster. The company has turned the automotive industry upside-down and investors want a piece of it. The stock price is just waiting for another promising news story or SEC filing to soar even higher.†Tesla is, according to all the critics, an incredible car, but it is a company held together with financial bubblegum† (Finger). The only question is when will the bubble burst? Works Cited About Tesla Motors. Teslamotors.com, 2013. Web. 23 Sep 2013. . Alpert, Bill. Recharge Now!. Online.barrons.com, 2013. Web. 24 Sep 2013.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analyzing Mass Media And Popular Culture Media Essay

Analyzing Mass Media And Popular Culture Media Essay Although many can dismiss celebrity blogs such as www.perezhilton.com and www.wwtdd.com as frivolous and mean, the popularity and prevalence of these websites have a considerable social impact on our world today. For this Data Workshop, you will be analyzing entries in a celebrity blog, using one of the three major social paradigms. Step 1: Collecting Data Choose a celebrity blog and pick five entries. Scrutinize the pictures, read the headlines and text carefully, and review the reader comments. Step 2: Thinking about and Analyzing the Data For the five entries that you have selected, answer the following questions from each of sociologys three major theoretical perspectives. Later, use your data-collection form to write a one page essay summarizing the differences in the theories and their value as a sociological analyst. Compare what you observed to what the textbook says in Ch 1. DATA-COLLECTION FORM FOR THEORIES OF CELEBRITY GOSSIP Data Workshop 1 1. Structural Functionalist Theory: What is the function (or functions) of celebrity gossip blogs for society? What purpose(s) do they serve, and how do they help society maintain stability and order? Do celebrity gossip blogs have manifest and latent functions? Are any dysfunctions built into such publications? 2. Social Conflict Theory: What forms of inequality are revealed in celebrity gossip blogs? In particular, what do celebrity gossip blogs have to say about gender, race, and class inequalities? Who suffers and who benefits from the publication of celebrity gossip blogs? 3. Symbolic Interactionist Theory: What do celebrity gossip blogs mean to society as a whole? What do they mean to individual members of society? Can they have different meanings for different individuals or groups of individuals? How do those meanings get constructed in interaction? And how do celebrity gossip blogs shape and influence our everyday lives? -1 Kim Kardashian is good at twitter 53166_kim_kardashian_at_photoshoot_twitpics_01_123_391lo Kim Kardashian doesnt really do anything of course, but before this our famous celebrities who didnt really do anything were fug whores like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. Remember that? What the hell was that all about? So at least Kim is hot, and goes on  her twitter  and posts pics of her kick ass rack. The only way to get even more intimate pictures of Kim is to be black. Comments: Talked ab poop. Said she isnt preggo, hated on blk ppl -2 Rihanna got a new haircut Rihanna By all accounts Rihanna (seen here last night at a Clippers game in LA) is a perfectly nice woman and everyone seems to like and shes a good singer, but very obviously her new bang haircut sucks. If this were  American Idol, these pictures would be turned into a montage with that So You Had a Bad Day song playing over it. Comments: talk ab it being fake, a wig 3 Gwyneth Paltrow has advice for other working moms 56852284 I know some people who have worked with Gwyneth Paltrow and they say shes delightful but that seems impossible to believe. Because shes a complete cunt, delusional and arrogant beyond all comprehension. The latest proof:  on her website GOOP, Paltrow, who is worth 90 million dollars and got married in a castle, has advice for other extremely busy working mothers. Yes that said other. Because thats what she considers herself. And just like all working moms, after she drops her kids at schoolà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Did dance aerobics for 45 minutes then all of the butt lifts and the like. Rushed upstairs to have a shower, doing my post workout stretch while the conditioner was doing its magic on my hair to combine activities/save time. Dressed quickly and rushed downstairs. Her day is essentially filled with stuff like that. The stuff that real working moms do when not at work or being a mom. The stuff they have to squeeze into one hour on the weekend is Paltrows entire life, but shes here to tell them how to do it. Because they dont know. They need tips from Gwyneth Paltrow. Im honestly shocked that she isnt punched in the face at least once every time she leaves the house. 4 Kate Beckinsale is in a bikini SPL240191_003 Kate Beckinsale is down in Mexico this weekend, and unlike the hags at the Golden Globes she looked fantastic in this bikini, and I think thats the same place where Jennifer Aniston is always going. I can see why she likes it. Its basically a rock and theres lots of empty space. Just like her womb. 5 Eva Longoria at the Golden Globes Eva Longoria Eva Longoria at least tried to look sexy for last nights Golden Globe awards, but her depressing tits are useless and so it didnt work. This is one of the most boring and unsexy periods I can ever think of in Hollywood. No one ever wears anything good, and most of the big stars are either not pretty or not pretty anymore. About the most positive thing I can say is that theres room for improvement everywhere. You could find hotter girls putting ads on craiglist asking for you to come rape them. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1.What is the function (or functions) of celebrity gossip blogs for society? To make fun of people, to show off the latest/ or not so latest trends, to spread gossip/info What purpose(s) do they serve, and how do they help society maintain stability and order? They serve as entertainment purpose/news/ way to spread info- help society maintain order by letting ppl know what is in/not in what to do/not do- Do celebrity gossip blogs have manifest and latent functions? Find something from bookPos effect on society-possibly could help spread trends/ show who is/isnt role models Are any dysfunctions built into such publications? Bad-neg affect, more so thatn manifest latent, gossip is bad- demeaning to persons self confidence- shows bad role models- more mature content 2. What forms of inequality are revealed in celebrity gossip blogs? First one talks ab her obsession with blk ppl, ( only blk can see more pics)-what celebritys have that most common ppl can not do/ or afford to have In particular, what do celebrity gossip blogs have to say about gender, race, and class inequalities? Blk ppl thing- class the mother issue, females- sexy hot whores Who suffers and who benefits from the publication of celebrity gossip blogs? everyone suffers from these blogs, the ppl who are wrote ab suffer bc it degrades self image, children suffer from bad role models Benefit- writer bc so many read them, if decent blog then the readers celebrities could benefit 3. What do celebrity gossip blogs mean to society as a whole? Past time- way to spread info- teach what is not cool/cool What do they mean to individual members of society? Back to the benefit/suffer part Kids are hurt by this, adults are humored by this, celebrity can be degraded by this Can they have different meanings for different individuals or groups of individuals? Yes they do How do those meanings get constructed in interaction? And how do celebrity gossip blogs shape and influence our everyday lives?back to #1 Info from book Pg 11- theoretical approach: roadmaps that connect basic image of society with research Structional functional approach- repeat behavior that affects the viewers pg 12 Pg 12- this approach was to keep ppl unified Pg 12- social dysfunction:social pattern that disturbs Pg 13- social conflict: inequality building up over time Theoretical Perspectives in Blogs From analyzing celebrity blogs we can learn a lot more than the latest gossip. The celebrity blogs provide great insight in the differences between sociologys three major theoretical perspectives. The celebrity blog that I reviewed had great examples of the structural functionalist theory, social conflict theory, and the symbolic internationalist theory that compared nicely to the books definition of each, but still had some different points. First I examined how the structural functionalist theory appeared in the blog. As known by the definition given by the text book the structural functionalist theory is a theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability (page 11). One of the major differences I noticed between how the blog portrayed this theory from how the book described this theory is the stability. I did not notice any of the different blog entries or any of the celebrities that appeared in the blog entries to work together to provide stability in todays society, if anything I noticed the celebrities all behaving in different manners that disturbed the stability of the blog. While the book describes social structure as ..gives our lives shape in families, the work place, or the college classroom, ( page 12). A similarity I noticed was how the book explained how manifest and latent functions are a part of the structural-functional approach, and you could see each function within the blog. Manifest functions could be recognized from the comments to each of the blogs, the readers adjusted their thoughts and actions based on the blogs that they read. Secondly, the social conflict theory appeared inside the blog and the book. By definition the social conflict approach is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change. (page 13) Overall throughout each blog I examined I saw issues of race, sex, and social classes. The blog that discussed Kim Kardashian was full of issues of race and sex from the main picture to the response. Her risquà © picture provided conflict for the other women viewers who saw it, but the males tended to enjoy it more. Also an issue of race was brought up when the writer of the blog mentioned that you have to be black to get more pictures of Kim. A quote like this could create an issue between all races who read the comment. Thirdly, the symbolic interaction theory that is defined as society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals. ( page 15) appears inside the blogs entries. The blog gives viewers the opportunity to express their feelings and allow them to interact with others. Also the blog purpose of a blog is to collect data and distribute it to followers, this data can be gossip, news, latest trends, or basically anything. Some of the information can play a positive or negative affect based on the type of reader. The book mentions two different levels of symbolic-interaction, macro-level and micro-level, while the blog provides a great example of each. From the macro-level observing from a helicopter level, you can see the broad focus of the blog is celebrities different styles. The micro, or street level focus, you can see how their different styles affect the followers. Each of the three theories, structural-functionalist, social-conflict, and symbolic interaction have the same goal in mind of analyzing how a particular item affects a society, while each theory has its own specific areas. I believe that each theory builds on each other to provide a in-depth analysis, starting from how things work together, to conflicts that arise, even down to how everyday interactions. ( The blog I used was from www.wwtdd.com. The five blogs I chose were Kate Beckinsale is in a bikini Jan. 17, Eva Longoria at the Golden Globes Jan. 17, Kim Kardashian is good at twitter Jan. 14, Rhianna got a new haircut Jan. 13 and Gwyneth Paltrow has advices for other working moms Jan. 13.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sociocultural Constructivism Theory Essay -- Sociology, Piaget

Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework: Cognitive Constructivism Theory and Sociocultural Constructivism Theory As stated in Chapter I, to create better readers, many reading specialists agree that word study is a developmentally sound approach to providing reading instruction (Bear et al, 2008; Ganske, 2000; Zutell, 1999). Word study is founded on robust evidence-based research on the developmental stages of reading and spelling; however, word study and specifically word sorts have a diminuative amount of scientific evidence as to it success in reading instruction (Boscardin et al, ND). To create an evidence-based study, it is useful to analyze word study using the lenses of cognitive constructivism and sociocultural constructivism theories. In combining these two theoretical frameworks, I will view the WtW reading instruction approach from both the internal cognitive development as well as the external social influences of learning. In Chapter 2, I will succinctly review the principles of each theory and demonstrate how the theories provide an applicable balance for this study. Constructing meaning from an event is an important link to comprehension (Carlisle, 2000; Francis, et al., 1996; NICHD, ND; Rasinski & Oswald, 2005; Williams & Lundstrum, 2007). However, the idea of constructing meaning, or constructivism, is a broad concept with multiple connotations. Two distinct types of constructivism will be the lens for this study, cognitive constructivism and sociocultural constructivism. The two theories are essentially different in that cognitive constructivism posits the internal construction of information as the controlling influence, while sociocultural constructivism posits the external interactions with peers and adults as m... ...ible tool for examining data from this study. Word study’s origin is based on the belief of the student’s constructivism in understanding and comprehending new knowledge by the word study developers, the generalized belief by education specialists that it is the way students learn, its foundational role in teacher preparation programs, and its acceptance of the dynamics within the classroom as playing a role in appropriate instruction. Hence, for this study, it is advantageous to use the constructivism theories of both Piaget and Vygotsky, cognitive and sociocultural, as theoretical frameworks. Together these theories will be the lens for analysis of the data collected within the study. By using both, I am able to examine both the an individual’s internal and external construction of information. In the ensuing chapter, I establish the methodology of this study.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Healthcare and Drugs in America Essay -- Research Papers Health Medici

Healthcare and Drugs in America It is no secret that the cost of American healthcare is on the rise. Already the nation is spending about $1.65 trillion a year on healthcare. That represents 15 percent of gross domestic product, the total output of goods and services. It consumes one-fourth of the federal budget, more than defense. (Allan Rubin) This is due to the factors of expensive technology, less stringent HMO cost management, and more specifically to this paper, rapidly rising drug costs. Surveying nearly 3,000 employers, Mercer Human Resource Consulting finds that their health-benefit costs rose 10.1 percent this year, while inflation hovered around 2 percent. And as the research and development of these drugs continue to outpace inflation, most Americans will continue to pay for this trend. How so? There are two main reasons for this phenomenon. First of all the U.S has highly favorable patent laws toward these drug companies, prohibiting normal market competition for long periods of time. These monopolies allow manufacturers to charge several hundred percent above (world) market prices. (Dean Baker and Noriko Chatani) Some pharmaceutical companies have even been accused of delaying generic drug patents through litigation, even bribery in order to keep their drug prices high. It encourages a behavior of rent seekers. And these tactics prove highly lucrative. For example the drug Cardizem, used for blood pressure and hypertension reduction, had $700 million in sales in the 11 months the generic drug was kept off the market. This also causes generic brands to rise in cost. According to IMS Health, pharmaceutical information companies, the price for generic drugs are increasing almost twice as fast as prices f... ...Noriko (2002) Promoting Good Ideas on Drugs: The Relative Efficiency of Patent and Public Support for Bio-Medical Research October 11, 2002, http://www.cepr.net/promoting_good_ideas_on_drugs.htm â€Å"Buying prescription Medicines Online: A Consumer Safety Guide,† available online at http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/consumer/buyonline/guide.htm Francis, David R. (2003) Healthcare costs are up. Here are the culprits. http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/1215/p21s01-coop.html Haislmaier, Edmund F. (2004) Compromising Quality: The High Cost of Government Drug Purchasing. The Heritage Foundation. May 25, 2004 Meadows, Michelle (2002) Imported Drugs Raise Safety Concerns. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA Consumer magazine, September-October 2002 Rubin, Allan and Rubin, Harold (2004) Patents and Prescription Drugs-Part I. http://www.therubins.com/legal/patext.htm

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Vann Woodwards The Strange Career of Jim Crow Essays -- Book Reviews

Vann Woodward's The Strange Career of Jim Crow Martin Luther King Jr. believed that The Strange Career of Jim Crow was, 'The historical bible of the civil rights movement.' Any book that graces a quote, of such intense backing etched across the cover has much to live up to. If an author can get the support of such a predominant figure in American society, like Martin Luther King Jr., the message behind the book will reach an ever growing population. When Martin Luther King Jr. put his stamp of approval on the book written by C. Vann Woodward, he provided a base for the book to reach people that may have never picked up and read the words that Woodward put out. Woodward himself was born in the south just after the start of the 1900?s and his inquisitive nature brought about the research that went into his book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow. Every person struggles to find out where he or she comes from and what the history of that area is. Woodward was no different, he was born in the south and immediately found out that there was a deep history rooted in prejudices and fighting. Although he wrote many other works, it wasn?t until his research during his stay with the NAACP, as a part of the controversial Supreme Court trial, Brown verses The Board of Education, that he himself made his mark in history. He based his whole book on the Jim Crow laws and their relationship with segregation. His direct contact with these unjust laws and how they were affecting the population of his home, created the setting for what some would consider his greatest work. His view that segregation started after the Civil War and that it began in the North, help ed to open reader?s eyes to what really might have occurred. The Strange Career of... ...ble make a change. Woodward marks a new philosophy in American history with his book and for that reason it will remain a must read. By writing, The Strange Career of Jim Crow, Woodward put himself, his family, and his career on the line to make a statement. It is easy for others to see how an idea is received and then decide whether they then want to show support for it or not. It is, however, enormously different to be the first person to put a controversial idea out to the public. In a sense Woodward threw himself to the wolves, but this time instead of being eaten alive, he changed the way in which the wolves lived. He took a chance by thinking differently and used his abilities as a historian to change the way people were thinking on the Jim Crow Laws. Works Cited: Woodward, Vann C. The Strange Career of Jim Crow. Oxford University Press:New York, 1966.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Lenovo Case Analysis Essay

Competing at a global scale requires profound brand equity. Lenovo is a well-known brand in China (as Legend) but it cannot become a global technology giant like Dell or Hewlett-Packard, by merely acquiring the Personal Systems Division of IBM, whose products are popular across the world. Normally, the key challenge in establishing global brands lies in devising the manner in which a company can position its brands in customers’ mindsets, while taking into account global competition that comes from national and international suppliers (Wright, Millman & Martin, 2007, p. 139). Lenovo has to engage in intelligent marketing to attract consumers and make itself a force to reckon with in the global personal computer industry. According to the case study, the global PC industry is highly competitive with the leading performers being Dell, HP, Lenovo and its IBM acquisition, and Acer and Fujistu-Siemens among other corporations and vendors locked in tight competition (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 2-3). Therefore, Lenovo has a daunting task to create brand equity to thrive at a global scale. The Key Issues The issue that Lenovo is principally dealing with is how it can effectively enter into the global market, where it is not only struggling against the competition, but is also dogged by an incredulous market. On the surface, the deal between Lenovo and IBM seems to give the former a platform for success due to the complementary nature of the operations of the two firms and because the deal facilitates the expansion of Lenovo’s operations from China and Asia to over 138 countries in the world, where IBM is established (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 6). However, in a marketing research that the company conducts among 4,000 IBM customers, the concerns raised are that the innovation, quality, and service and support are going to be negatively impacted by the takeover of IBM brands by Lenovo (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 9). The grievances held by the consumers are a major undoing to Lenovo’s attempts to create strong brand equity. The criticism shows that the customers harbor negative brand knowledge about Lenovo. Brand knowledge consists of brand awareness and brand image (Wright et al., 2007, p. 140).  Normally, brand knowledge determines the directions that the brand takes and, in turn, this influences the decision that marketers take in creating a brand promise, which entails informing the public about the positive essence of the brand and its purpose (Kotler, 2012, p. 115). The competition must be addressed seriously through a brand promise, with strong product dimensions. A brand’s dimensions differentiate an offering from other offerings that are aimed at satisfying the same need by either emphasizing on product performance by introducing functional, rational, or tangible differences or by emphasizing the symbolic, emotional, or intangible factors (Kotler, 2012, p. 114). Lenovo has the chance to utilize the brand equity creation process that emphasizes on the product performance in the phase of introducing itself into the global market, while intending to rely on the latter dimension in the long run. Brand equity is created by thoroughly satisfying the presence, relevance, performance, advantage, and bonding dimensions, in an increasing order of importance (Kotler, 2012, p. 116). Profound consumer loyalty is achieved after the firm attains a market share. Companies acquire a share of the heart and a share of the mind of customers by being authentic and genuine, aspects, which lead to higher, market share and profitability (Kotler, 2012, p. 135). As much as the chief marketing officer of Lenovo states that branding is a business issue rather than a marketing issue, the brand is a matter of the perception created by product’s substance and marketers’ efforts. Alternative Courses of Action The courses of action that can be taken by Lenovo include establishing a master brand, a house of brands, synergy approach, or the strategy referred commonly as Lexus/Toyota. First, the master brand strategy can be useful for creating a brand equity for Lenovo on a worldwide scale, but there are fears that the ThinkPad influence may be lost if this strategy is adopted. Second, the house of brands approach can enable the firm to establish many brands at once, but it is expensive to market the different brands. Third, the synergy approach will let the company have Lenovo as a master brand, while the ThinkPad shall be regarded as a superior sub-brand. Fourth, under the Toyota/Lexus strategy, a premium line of ThinkPad brands are established alongside basic Lenovo brands (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 9). Evaluation of  the Alternative Courses of Action The course of action that the company should choose has to address the global market conditions, while also upholding Lenovo’s desire to compete internationally. To gauge the conditions in this market environment, the company engages in extensive marketing research. The research comes in handy in helping the company to make well-informed decisions, to understand the marketplace, and most importantly, to learn about customer satisfaction and the value of goods on offer. In addition, the advantages of the primary data collected are that the respondents pinpoint their challenges concerning the use of personal computers in business, give voice to current concerns, and enable the firm to gauge the needs in different nations. The master brand option is challenging to Lenovo since the market regards it as untrustworthy. The high level of dishonesty with which Chinese firms are regarded in the rest of the world is a major detractor to the success of this strategy (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 8). If this approach is chosen, building favorable brand knowledge would not be an easy thing for Lenovo, in spite of having the reputable ThinkPad brand at its disposal. The ThinkPad acquisition doubtlessly makes Lenovo have a comparative advantage in the global scope. The ThinkPad has already won a lot of accolades for design and engineering innovations since it was introduced in 1992, with some of its superior qualities being power, portability, and wireless networking (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 6). The marketers in Lenovo must therefore create positive brand knowledge if they choose this option. Failure to achieve this means that even the premium ThinkPad brand shall be thought of as an inferior product by consumers. The house of brands option would make the company incur a lot of expenses in the marketing function, without necessarily achieving the desirable sales of any of the brands. The company’s CMO concedes that this strategy cannot succeed since the company had limited resources at the time (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 9). House-of-brands has brands that are independent, which are somewhat endorsed by the organizational brand (Rajagopal & Sanchez, 2004, p. 238). However, the reputation of the Lenovo as an organization in the international market is not favorable at this juncture hence it cannot promote brands effectively. The synergy approach, which entails a master brand getting recognition  partially due to a superior sub-brand, would require investments to jointly build the Lenovo and the ThinkPad brands (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 9). The ThinkPad sub-brand would be expected to be a co-driver in the success of Lenovo. The shortcoming of this approach is that the association might taint the image of the prestigious brand if the brands do not have comparable qualities (Aaker & Joachimsthaler, 2000, p. 15). Clearly, ruining of the ThinkPad brand will certainly end up undoing the entry of Lenovo into the global market. The Toyota/Lexus strategy will force Lenovo to establish luxury and mass market brands separately. This strategy will entail implementation of dissociated brands, with each expected to perform well within its segment. However, under the global environment into which the firm is entering, creation of a mass product is not feasible. The use of PCs has become ubiquitous and consumers are looking for enhanced innovation, better quality and reliability, tighter security, and better design (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 10). To offer customers the desired product, the firm was supposed to invest in enhancing computer products, rather than producing low quality cheap products. As a result, this strategy can make the company lose its core business. After considering all the branding strategy options, Lenovo managers should appropriately consider the category membership under competitive frame of reference. Category membership refers to the products with which a brand competes and which are close substitutes to it (Kotler, 2012, p. 130). The managers should to establish points of differences that would make the company have a competitive edge. At the present, Lenovo pursues a legacy of customer focus, innovation, and dependability (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 7). These aspects have a potential of making make the products it offers distinctive and superior in comparison to competitors in the global market. The focus of the company should be on long-term holistic performance of its products. A well established brand value drives brand loyalty among customers, making the company to enjoy security of demand, making it hard for new competitors to enter the market, and making the customers willing to pay a higher prices for the offering (Kotler, 2012, p. 114). The Best Course of Action According to the facts presented in the case, the adoption of Lenovo as a master brand is the best course of action. Though this alternative is risky,  it is worthy because of the ultimate good image it would create for all the brands on offer at a global scale. Making Lenovo a master brand helps to make the core products of the company to the entire world. Master or family branding is where a family brand is associated with several brand extensions. The use of the company’s brand name across the entire products’ range lowers development costs and boosts sales if the corporate image is associated with innovativeness, expertise, and reliability, which are factors that influence consumer evaluations directly (Kotler, 2012, p. 123). The company actually chooses to use this strategy with great level of ingenuity. The first global advertising campaign is signed off with â€Å"ThinkPad,† the second campaign emphasizes that Lenovo is doing better than IBM by improving the ThinkPad, while the third campaign stresses that the Lenovo master brand represents innovation (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 10). Introduction of brand extension is facilitated under the master brand. New products that are introduced as brand extensions often succeed because the customers’ expectations of the new product are based on their knowledge about the parent brand and how relevant they find the information (Kotler, 2012, p. 123). Any product sold under an umbrella of a brand name develops an identity out of the customers’ perceptions of the product, the marketing activity, word-of-mouth marketing, and the individual psychological set of customers (Wright, et al., 2007, p. 140). In effect, corporate brand endorsement in the international markets reassures consumers and is an integrating force, which unifies different brand identities on a global scale (Rajagopal & Sanchez, 2004, 246). Assurance that consumers benefit from the product is vital for successful marketing. Moreover, brand equity is leveraged in a new context if the master brand makes the product more appealing to customers and its positive associations are relevant and appropriate (Aaker & Joachimsthaler, 2000, p. 18). With the master brand strategy in place, continuous success of the Lenovo brand and its extensions is guaranteed. References Aaker, D. A. & Joachimsthaler, E. (2000). The brand relationship spectrum: The key to the brand architecture challenge. California Management Review, 42(4), 8-23. Kotler, Philip. (2012). A Framework for Marketing Management, P. Kotler and K. L. Keller (Ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson education Inc. Quelch, J. & Knoop, C. (2006). Lenovo: Building a global brand. Harvard Business School. Rajagopal & Sanchez, R. (2004). Conceptual analysis of brand architecture and relationships within product categories. Brand Management, 11(3), 233–247. Wright, L. T. Millman, C. & Martin, L. M. (2007). Research issues in building brand equity and global brands in the pc market. Journal of Marketing Management, 23(1-2), 137-155.

Injuries in hockey Essay

In hockey you need both general fitness and specific fitness. You need good strength, stamina, speed, agility, balance, co-ordination, fast reactions and many more. All these can help every individual become better at their sport and have better health. These fitness needs can also prevent many injuries as you are less agile to your sport. Fitness levels can also be affected by many things such as illness, weight, alcohol and drugs, dieting and psychological factors. You should always warm up before physical workout and cool down afterwards. There are many factors that can cause injury but also many ways to prevent them. Injuries are both internally caused and externally caused. Internal injuries are self caused where you over use the muscles and external injuries are caused equipment, environmental conditions or opponents. Injuries can occur due to the weather (environment), being overweight causing heart problems, breathing problems, joint and foot problems etc, physical ability, the wrong equipment and facilities. These can be prevented by setting realistic targets, pre participation screening, carrying out fitness programmes in pre season, using appropriate equipment, do not over train or train while hurt. Enforcing rules helps prevention of dangerous use of sticks and careless play of the ball. Also seek medical attention sooner rather than later and get adequate nutrition. Injured people should not be moved unless they them self say that it is ok. If more attention is paid to extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors, injuries can be a lot less frequent. The same injuries can occur in many different sports in different situations but there can be more common injuries in each individual sport such as legs in football, shoulder or arm in javelin and hands or ankles in netball etc. Environmental injuries are things such as frostbite, hypothermia, exhaustion and heat stroke. Injuries can also occur due to physiological reasons making the person become fatigue, have muscle soreness and depletion of energy reserves. Before carrying out a session in the individual sport, a risk assessment should be preformed as there are others risk factors that should be identified such as slippery surfaces, equipment left out, food or drink that may be tipped in the training area. You can outline whether or not the area is suitable for that sport or the right age group and if not, how the safety issues could be improved. You also have to take into consideration the age of the sportsperson as already mentioned. In hockey, it is important that the right equipment and footwear is worn to prevent injuries and to have a pre game warm up and stretching. Overall, a hockey team needs to wear gum shields to protect their mouth and teeth from hockey balls and sticks, shin guards to protect their legs from sticks also, body protection such genital protectors, gloves to protect hand and knuckles from sticks, Astroturf trainers to get better grip when running and a goalie needs a goalie kit which includes a hard hat, body protectors like abdominal protectors, knee pads, shoulder and elbow pads, chest pad, throat protector, padded shorts and thigh protectors, kickers etc to protect them from flying balls etc. All this equipment should be regularly checked including hockey sticks to ensure they do not put any other player in danger while they are in use. Most injuries in hockey are mainly down to being struck by a hockey stick or hockey balls. Injuries in hockey can be very serious and as it is played in over 132 countries, injuries are very common. Overuse injuries to the ankles and lower back are very common in hockey and can be treated mainly by rest. The face is normally injured by the stick or ball, the lower limb includes injuries to the ankles, knees and feet, and upper body injuries such as hands and forearms. These injuries are pretty serious and the player may need to be hospitalised. There are eight physiological effects of ageing which obviously decrease your playing capability and metabolic rate etc. There would also a decrease in number and size of fibre muscles, a decline in the person cardiac output and muscles. In general, injuries have said to affect people of different ages, such as young children aged between six and nine should not train at such a high level and it should be more fun and lots of variation. People aged ten to twelve should include a lot more technique and co-ordination exercises as this is the right age to improve mobility technique and reflexes. As each child gets older and closer to puberty, they then should be playing sport to suit their maturity and ability. From the age fifteen onwards is when children could begin anaerobic training and strength training as this is more often or not when the muscles and skeleton allow an increased load. Injuries in hockey can be very serious and as the sport is played in over 132 countries, injuries are also very common. Some common injuries apply to most sports such as shin splints, sprains, fractures, pulls etc. Hockey is known as a hard-hitting, collision sport. Players risk injury from high-impact collisions with each other. The knee is frequently injured, with sprains to the medial collateral and capsular ligaments being fairly common. Cruciate ligament tears are less common in hockey and seen more in turf sports, such as football. This is a hospitalised injury which may need ice and bandage to reduce swelling and rest after operation. The Acromioclavicular, or AC, joint separation (separated shoulder) is a common injury. This could be caused by various things such as a hard fall, swinging of stick or hard knock by opposing team. This is also a hospitalised injury which needs support and rest. This is also a common injury where the stick of another player may hit the hand or if the player is to have an awkward fall etc. All these injuries need support and in many cases bandaged up. Most injuries include fractures and torn tendons. It has been said that as many as one-third of injuries are caused by foul play. Many have observed a need for increased vigilance in this area, mainly in adolescence and high school. The enforcement of effective rules has lead to fewer injuries. Players have been said to demonstrate a high level of body dissatisfaction and an elevated drive for thinness. These have been associated with risk of osteoporosis which have been linked to an increased risk of stress fractures, especially in the lumbar region of the lower back. If injuries are left or ignored after so long, they can only get worse. If you look below, you can see a bone scan showing a low-intensity lesion abutting the expanded area of the posterior cortex. A CT scan shows what appears to be an osteoid osteoma or Brodie’s abscess. This is what started off to be just a twisted ankle and not the right treatment. Injuries to the adductors are muscles that run from the inside thigh. These are active while running, twisting and side stepping activities. An injury can occur at any time during these activities or a fall. Pain may begin and aching on the inner thigh. Bruising that appears may track down to the knee at times. The treatment of RICE is rest, ice, compression and elevation. This treatment should be applied immediately. This is reducing more damage by keeping off the injury, applying ice, to compress injury be using bandages etc to reduce swelling and elevate the injured, in order to get blood flowing away from injury to stop internal bleeding and bruising and to speed up recovery. This will assist the resolution of pain and minimise inflammation. Following the RICE solution, you should walk only when really needed. A calf strain is also well known in sport. The two main muscles make up the back of the lower leg (Calf). One is attached above the knee joint. This is the Gastrocnemius and the other one below called the Soleus. These make one thick Achilles tendon that is attached to the back of the heel. Their main action is to raise the heel from the ground, but also assist to bend the knee. They act during walking, running and jumping. The calf can be injured by running and jumping in hockey or when you overload the muscle. Pain may start in the tendon attachment at the back of calf. The RICE treatment could also be applied to this. Players should allow enough time for adequate rehabilitation of injuries, especially full recovery of ankle function, before returning to pre-injury levels of play. There are lots more common injuries in hockey such as Gilmore’s groin caused by running, coughing, kicking etc, hamstring strains, Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease, shin splints, cartilage injury, runners knee and many more. There are less serious injuries such as rubbing causing blisters, cramp, concussion, stitch, groin strain etc. These are mainly bandaged up and use of plasters helps and basically rest is needed. shin splint Sprain and strain of the joint and surrounded tissue are one of the most common sports related injuries (sprain involves the ligament and strain involves muscle or tendon). The typical inflammatory response may include swelling of the injured area, redness, skin discoloration, and reduced range of motion of the joint. R.I.C.E treatment, many athletes have found acupuncture treatment to be very useful in suppress inflammation and swelling fast. Muscles injuries can be caused by muscle damage by direct trauma or indirect trauma. These injuries can be divided into ruptures and haematomas. Ruptures can be total or partial and subdivided into distraction and compression ruptures. Haematomas- inter and intramuscular . Major differences between the treatment and prognosis of the two types. Distraction ruptures are caused by over stretching or overloading. Compression rupture is direct impact which is the muscle pressed against underlining bone. Another solution which is often used to treat injuries is SALTAPS. This is known as: Stop- stop game Ask- ask injured person what happened Look- Look at injury Touch- Feel for any differences e.g. uninjured knee and injured knee Active movement- see what sort of range of movement they have Passive movement- move injured area with hand Stop and start again- rest and come back to sport when ready. Cold treatment with use of ice, decreases sensitivity of painful areas and relaxes muscle spasms. The cold slows nerve impulses to the muscle and decreases blood circulation which helps reduce inflammation. There is also the heat treatment. This treatment should not be started until at least 48 hours after the injury occurred. Same applies to massage. Heat therapy relaxes muscles, relieves pain and accelerates healing by increasing blood flow to a targeted area. Application of heat has many forms, from simply taking a hot shower to sophisticated methods such as ultrasound. Heat should not be used immediately after injury but after swelling has gone down. The RICE treatment should be applied to soft tissue injuries during the first 24-48 hours. Injury at its acute stage, the blood vessels expand and blood clotting procedure may be disrupted. Ointments, liniments and medicines are also used along with muscle training of isometric and static muscle work. There are many different methods of treatment that help injuries repair a lot quicker with the right amount of care. They are all fairly successful but have slightly different procedures applied and some work better than others depending on the server ness of the injury. SALTAPS is immediate treatment to an injury, where as RICE treatment could last up to a few weeks. In many cases, RICE treatment will continue through a player’s career therefore is a more common source of treatment and more well known. Research indicates that nutritional factors, or the lack thereof, can play a significant role in healing and recovery. Three nutrients vitamin C, bioflavonoid and glucosamine sulphate appear to be particularly important. Vitamin C possesses anti- inflammatory properties and can help control the damage that often accompanies tissue injury. Vitamin C is required for collagen fibre synthesis, a process essential for tissue bone repair. Adequate amounts of vitamin C are therefore critical for the stimulation of that process. Each treatment has a different amount of effectiveness on injuries but one or all can often be used through the period of injury in most common sporting injuries. Further ways to reduce and prevent injuries are to apply certain bandaging before play, apply ointments, and reduce length of pitch for younger children. Hockey injury data at all levels should be collected to compare and improve participation. There should be more research and findings on sporting injuries to ensure less likeliness of injury. Coaches should be taught principles of sport-specific conditioning and fitness as part of their training. Other ways to improve sports and prevent injuries is to ensure the right foot wear is worn, equipment is safe and appropriate and that the rules set are followed.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Importance of English in life Essay

Today no area of life is untouched by English. Be it communication in daily life, ascending the career graph, communicating in mass media, higher education, and no end. Our international relations are dependent on it. Our perceptions of people are dependent on the use of this language. We have become so much dependent on this language that even in our daily communication we find it difficult to speak our Indian languages and Hindi without the use of English words. So, the question naturally arises that what makes it so ubiquitous so omnipresent and so indispensable. English people ruled a vast swath of land in order to fulfill their imperialistic ambitions. It was said that in English rule, sun never sets, because the colonies were present across the globe. English people incorporated words from every language to express the diversity which also gradually became the part and parcel of it, it made the language rich. Now in modern science and technology, we are mostly dependent on this language due to very versatility it offers and encompasses the various kinds of thought well. Read more: Speech on importance of English essay But unfortunately we still see that in some parts English is treated as foreign language and some politicians and pseudo nationalists argue that we need to exterminate it and protect our culture and identity. These are the same people who will find it difficult to speak pure Hindi themselves. They do it with vested interests but it harms a large number of people, who remains lagging in their careers due to that. English has become utmost important now a days. Even we preach the concept of â€Å"Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam† and in this purview we see that English enjoys the familiarity of people from across the globe. So due to this advantage, it is rightly needed that it should be learn t by all to communicate well. It is also needed that we must respect our language as well but we simply cannot do away with English. Learning english is important for our daily life.. As we all know, English is the one of important language in this world. If we cannot speak English even a little bit, we are called as a very poor in this community. We also cannot improve our life if we worst in English. We will feel loser if we in the group that use English as a medium to speak. According to the research that have been made by the group of University Malay, 70% of undergraduate student especially Malay student are not use English as a medium to speak. It’s show that most of the student do not want to use English as a main language in their life. People always said that we must use our country language so that it indicate we love our country. The statement is not fault but we also must learn English for our future life such as to find a job, to communicate with foreigner, easy to understand if we find information through online and easy for student to survive in university life because most of the university in Malaysia use English as a medium to speak. One of the reason why we must learn English in our daily life is English is important to get a job. In this era, many people are jobless eventhough they have a degree. It is because they do not have a soft skill. Eventhough we got the best result in examination but we cannot speak in English, it is hard for us to find a job. Example is, if we want to work with a giant company such as Petronas, Sime Darby, Schlumberger and etc we need to face many process. One of the process is interview. Interview is one of the important process for us to face if we want to work with a giant company. Many giant company have a francais at the other country. So, they use international language that is English as a medium to communicate among the others. Therefore, they must do an interview in English to find an employee. If we have a soft skill like can speak fluently in English, the company will not hesitate to take us as one of their employee†¦.